Server Configuration File: server.rb

This Ruby file contains the custom application logic writen by the user along with programmable callbacks for OverSIP events.

Check the example server.rb file that comes with OverSIP.

The server.rb file is divided in the following sections:

Custom Application Logic

The top of the file is reserved for custom code writen by the user. Typicaly the user loads here external required Gems or libraries (via require "gem-name") and adds modules, classes and methods for building a custom application logic on top of OverSIP.

If the user adds a module or class here it’s useful it to include/extend the OverSIP::Logger module so the user can make use of the methods provided by OverSIP for logging into Syslog (log_debug, log_info, log_warn, etc).

Example code

module MyApp

  extend ::OverSIP::Logger

  @valid_websocket_origins = ["", ""]

  # Get the Array with valid WebSocket Origins.
  def self.valid_websocket_origins


When the user’s custom code is too long it can be split into different files. For example, the user could create a directory /etc/oversip/my_app/ containing custom files and load them at the top of server.rb as follows:

require "/etc/oversip/my_app/file1.rb"
require "/etc/oversip/my_app/file2.rb"
require "/etc/oversip/my_app/file3.rb"

System Events

This section includes programmable callbacks for system events:


This method is called by OverSIP once the core reactor has been started. Place here code to retrieve information from i.e. a database and fill some custom variable that will be later inspected in runtime.

Example code

def (OverSIP::SystemEvents).on_started

  log_info "OverSIP started"



This method is called by OverSIP when a USR1 signal is received by the OverSIP main process (or /etc/init.d/oversip user-reload is executed) and allows the user to set custom code to be executed or reloaded.

For example, this method could be used to reload a Ruby object (i.e. a Hash) with data retrieved from a database when such an information has been modified in the database.

Example code

def (OverSIP::SystemEvents).on_user_reload

  log_notice "OverSIP user reloaded"



This method is called after OverSIP has been terminated.


true in case OverSIP has died in an unexpected way.

Example code

def (OverSIP::SystemEvents).on_terminated(error)

  if error
    log_notice "exiting with error: #{error.inspect}"
    log_info "properly exiting"


SIP Events

This section includes programmable callbacks for SIP events:


This method is called when a SIP request is received.


The OverSIP::SIP::Request instance.

Example code

For a full example code check the OverSIP::SipEvents.on_request section in the default server.rb file.

OverSIP::SipEvents.on_client_tls_handshake(connection, pems)

This method is called when a SIP client initiates a TLS handshake with OverSIP. It is not called if the SIP callback_on_client_tls_handshake parameter is not set.

Take a look to the TLS API for using the data provided by this method.

NOTE: When the SIP parameter use_tls_tunnel is enabled, incoming SIP TLS connections are handled by Stud processes and thus this method is not called.


The OverSIP::SIP::Connection instance.
An Array with the chain of X509 certificates in PEM format (String) presented by the client during the TLS handshake. The first element is the most-resolved certificate, followed by the successive intermediate certificates and the root (or CA) certificate at the end. It could be empty if the client does not present a TLS certificate.

OverSIP::SipEvents.on_server_tls_handshake(connection, pems)

This method is called when OverSIP initiates a TLS handshake with a SIP server. It is not called if the callback_on_server_tls_handshake is not set for the “Proxy” instance being used for routing the SIP request.

In case the connection is not desired (after TLS certificate validation) it can be closed (and thus the SIP request not sent) by calling the close() method in the given OverSIP::SIP::Connection instance. It would generate an internal 500TLS Validation Failed” SIP response.

Take a look to the TLS API for using the data provided by this method.


The OverSIP::SIP::Connection instance.
An Array with the chain of X509 certificates in PEM format (String) presented by the server during the TLS handshake. The first element is the most-resolved certificate, followed by the successive intermediate certificates and the root (or CA) certificate at the end.

WebSocket Events

This section includes programmable callbacks for WebSocket events:

OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_connection(connection, http_request)

This method is called when a client attempts to establish a WebSocket connection and once OverSIP has validated that the HTTP GET request is a valid WebSocket handshake request but before OverSIP replies the HTTP 101 “Switching Protocols”.

Based on the HTTP request parameters and local policy the user can decide here whether to allow or reject the WebSocket connection attempt. This can be done by inspecting specific fields of the request (i.e. Origin header, Cookie header, request URI value and parameters, etc) and data from the connection (source address, plain or secure WebSocket connection, etc). The user can reject the WebSocket connection by calling connection.http_reject (so the HTTP 101 response required for completing the WebSocket handshake wont take place).


The associated OverSIP::WebSocket::Connection instance.
The WebSocket handshake OverSIP::WebSocket::HttpRequest instance.

Example code

def (OverSIP::WebSocketEvents).on_connection(connection, http_request)

  # Check the Origin header against my allowed list of domains.
  if MyApp.valid_websocket_origins.include? http_request.hdr_origin
    log_info "allowed WebSocket connection"
    log_warn "WebSocket connection rejected, invalid Origin: #{http_request.hdr_origin}"
    connection.http_reject 403, "Origin not allowed"


OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_disconnection(connection, client_closed)

This method is called when a WebSocket connection is closed.


The associated OverSIP::WebSocket::Connection instance.
true if the client caused the disconnection, false otherwise (OverSIP closed it).

Example code

def (OverSIP::WebSocketEvents).on_disconnection(connection, client_closed)

  if client_closed
    log_info "WebSocket connection closed by the client"
    log_info "WebSocket connection closed by OverSIP"


OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_client_tls_handshake(connection, pems)

This method is called when a WebSocket client initiates a TLS handshake with OverSIP. It is not called if the WebSocket callback_on_client_tls_handshake parameter is not set.

Take a look to the TLS API for using the data provided by this method.

NOTE: When the WebSocket parameter use_tls_tunnel is enabled, incoming WebSocket TLS connections are handled by Stud processes and thus this method is not called.


The OverSIP::WebSocket::Connection instance.
An Array with the chain of X509 certificates in PEM format (String) presented by the client during the TLS handshake. The first element is the most-resolved certificate, followed by the successive intermediate certificates and the root (or CA) certificate at the end. It could be empty if the client does not present a TLS certificate.